Friday, 9 August 2013

Stress Relief And Health Benefits Of Meditation

Yesterday, I added a new post to all about meditation, the Stress Relief And Benefits of Meditation which is a subject I find fascinating. Partly because it is held as something mysterious, partly because of the unexplained benefits of it and partly because it use to be a natural thing to do but no longer is.

Meditation - Image by Moyan_Brenn Be-back-in-september on Flickr
The benefits of meditation are endless so why are people not meditating. Why do we not learn how to do it at school. Surely, something that is going to help our health, well being, confidence, learning ability and so much more should be a priority?

Meditation is like having a power nap without sleeping. It rests your body and your mind, heals you and refreshes you so that you feel ready to take on the world again. Your mind is clearer and more aware and awake than normal. You seem to be able to do more, notice more, have more energy and can handle more problems.
Meditation - Image by Hape_Gera of Flickr

If you suffer from anger then you will find you get angry less. If you suffer from being down then you find you feel down less. Your emotions are easier to control and life does not get to you when you meditate daily.

You can read my post here. Stress Relief And Benefits of Meditation 

If you are interested in learning more about meditation the there is more information her at

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